There are a lot of men’s magazines where we can find tips on how to get the girl’s attention. However, we know not that much about female flirtation and its rules. In fact, competent flirtation can be very helpful and useful not only in matters of personal life, but alsoContinue Reading

Although for many people something like that still sounds crazy, open relationships became rather common in these latter days. And the interesting fact is that the duration of such relationships is on average higher than the duration of “strong and serious” relationships. The advantages and disadvantages can be found everywhere,Continue Reading

I have a problem. I think I am an exhibitionist. No, I am sure I’m an exhibitionist! And my family and my beloved boyfriend even don’t know about it.  They have no single idea! The thing is that my family is very religious and conservative. My mum is very active in theContinue Reading

They say, men are born polygamous. Truth hurts, yes. But women should face it: men are always and forever bound to temptation. That’s why we should always keep a weather eye open and get a load of these 7 signs. Candy kid. He buys new clothes, perfume and shaves twiceContinue Reading

Can you maintain a healthy relationship without sex?  A lot of psychologists have long been studying this subject, trying to understand why some partners and spouses do not have sex. It’s even hard to believe that two young and sexually active people can build strong relationships without having sex! ManyContinue Reading

Did you know that people born under different zodiac signs react to foreplays in… a different way? These 12 notes may help you to know more about your partner’s erogenous zones and spice your sex life up! So please note.  Aries – Head and Hair Running hands gently through his or herContinue Reading

Hey… I feel like I need a piece of advice. My boyfriend and I have been dating for 6 months. For me it’s a quite sizable time, and I can say the same thing about him. Everything is going really well except for one little thing… I am ashamed evenContinue Reading

Sex is an important part of everyone’s life. Everybody has different attitude toward sex, but there are some physiological features which are worth noticing. For example a lot of men want to determine whether a woman is in mood of having sex or not. Some people believe that women areContinue Reading