The feminist values don´t contradict the desire to start a family. The essential is to find the person who will share your views and life goals. Whether you are a feminist or you are for a traditional approach to the family, you should base your relationships on partnership andContinue Reading

By a weird coincidence, even the purest love can be faked easily. It’s almost impossible to distinguish the real honest relationships from those made of just lust, disloyalty and simple comfort. The real relationships require lots of effort, authentic emotions, trust and honesty. The love involves tons of labour, notContinue Reading

“When are you getting married?” Well, as a woman, I hear this question quite often. But I am happy and I date someone for a long time, that’s why a lot of people around me, including my friends and family, think that marriage is like the next logical step forContinue Reading

We all know that a woman used to be the keeper of the family hearth. But our world has changed a lot, and nowadays a lot of women feel like they are left with a difficult choice – housewife or businesswoman. A lot of women are interested in building andContinue Reading