So you found a really great guy, but you ain’t having an aaah-mazing sex evey time. Well, here’s some tips for you. If it’s average… Keep things spicy and experiment new ways to climax. You can rub your clitoris or use a vibrator while he’s inside of you. If it’sContinue Reading

The Mood-SetterLovemaking: Love sex is more about seduction than execution. The days earlier, try to send your mate good vibes by being affectionate. The N-night, don’t forget that a good atmosphere with a soft glow and good music. F*cking: Break up the routine and put up that freakum dress toContinue Reading

Even our good old things might be upgraded. Let’s try this to our classic sex positions. Here’s our suggestions ! WOMAN ON TOP Move your body in small circles as you lift and lower your pelvis. Have him sit up, with his legs straight out in front of him. LowerContinue Reading