Even rich and handsome have been ¨friendzoned¨ once. Sometimes you meet a girl of your dreams, you start courting her, but she keeps distance. So what´s wrong? Read the article to find out how to upgrade your relationship and get out of the friend zone. What is the friend zoneContinue Reading

A single woman lifestyle is not the reason you shouldn´t get upset about if you have just broken up and not into a new relationship yet. Every woman copes with loneliness in a different way. Some ladies are concentrating on their career but after several glasses of wine still feel superContinue Reading

Are you going to start a new life in 2018? So innovative! We all are going to be better and slimmer next year. It’s time to remember the things you have been postponing for ages and postpone them for one more year. Creating wish lists especially making New Year’s resolutionsContinue Reading

“When are you getting married?” Well, as a woman, I hear this question quite often. But I am happy and I date someone for a long time, that’s why a lot of people around me, including my friends and family, think that marriage is like the next logical step forContinue Reading

We all know that a woman used to be the keeper of the family hearth. But our world has changed a lot, and nowadays a lot of women feel like they are left with a difficult choice – housewife or businesswoman. A lot of women are interested in building andContinue Reading

Women have been trying to understand male psychology for a long time. It can be considered to be a separate science which requires statistics and scientific facts. Women spend a lot of time trying to find some common ground with men. Everything is clear with political views and hobbies, butContinue Reading

I cook like a chef from a good restaurant, give amazing blow jobs, like variety in sex. Men adore me, but don’t want to marry me.  They say that self-sufficient people are not afraid of loneliness. What is self-sufficiency, by the way? I think it’s the strength, inner strength whichContinue Reading