Rules of female flirting

There are a lot of men’s magazines where we can find tips on how to get the girl’s attention. However, we know not that much about female flirtation and its rules.

In fact, competent flirtation can be very helpful and useful not only in matters of personal life, but also in career, friendship and achieving goals. Men dote on compliments and women’s attention, so why not use it?

  1. Pay a compliment. We all know that men should pay compliments and point to women’s positive qualities. Women should also know how to do it.
  2. Positive attitude. It’s very important. A man won’t be happy to communicate with a woman who is upset or in a bad frame of mind. Do not flirt in a bad mood or nothing will come of it.
  3. Eau de Toilette. Oh, yes! Sometimes well-chosen perfume can say much more about you than you think.
  4. Be playful, but do not play with your man. Just be yourself, and try not to overact.
  5. Don’t interrupt him. Give him a chance to speak. Men love to talk about their merits, give pieces of advice and help their women.
  6. Be interesting. Men like women don’t want to be bored.
  7. Eye-contact. Learn how to look into a man’s eyes. It’s really important. A woman who has learned to use her eyes as the main weapon in flirting will surely get what she wants.
  8. Be confident in yourself and your attraction!