By a weird coincidence, even the purest love can be faked easily. It’s almost impossible to distinguish the real honest relationships from those made of just lust, disloyalty and simple comfort. The real relationships require lots of effort, authentic emotions, trust and honesty. The love involves tons of labour, notContinue Reading

Nowadays the technology penetrates into every aspect of our life, literally. We chose the verb «penetrate» to help you guess the field we are going to broaden your horizons in. Any ideas, by chance? A while ago in previous articles, we talked about sex-toys and even condoms. Believe it orContinue Reading

Have you heard that brutal men are not trendy anymore? Muscled and overconfident strong man was replaced by a smart and a little bit geek man. Have you noticed that? The number of sapiosexuals is constantly increasing. So let´s find out who are those sapiosexual people. The word sapiosexual derivesContinue Reading

“When are you getting married?” Well, as a woman, I hear this question quite often. But I am happy and I date someone for a long time, that’s why a lot of people around me, including my friends and family, think that marriage is like the next logical step forContinue Reading

I moved into a new house a couple of months ago and every single day I have fantasies about our doorman. Every time when I come home from work, I flash him a shy smile. I always try to catch his eye. I know that I’m quite pretty, men adoreContinue Reading

There are a lot of men’s magazines where we can find tips on how to get the girl’s attention. However, we know not that much about female flirtation and its rules. In fact, competent flirtation can be very helpful and useful not only in matters of personal life, but alsoContinue Reading

Although for many people something like that still sounds crazy, open relationships became rather common in these latter days. And the interesting fact is that the duration of such relationships is on average higher than the duration of “strong and serious” relationships. The advantages and disadvantages can be found everywhere,Continue Reading