Boyfriend wants a threesome

Hey… I feel like I need a piece of advice. My boyfriend and I have been dating for 6 months. For me it’s a quite sizable time, and I can say the same thing about him. Everything is going really well except for one little thing… I am ashamed even to mention it! Well, okay…

He wants to have a threesome.


And that is not the worst thing! He wants to have a threesome… with my best friend. And frankly speaking, she is way prettier than me, and that fact speaks for itself. I’ve been always considered her to be hot and sexy and sometimes it drives me crazy. I even feel a little bit jealous but I have no reason to be. Or I have?

I told him I’m up for it, but the more it becomes a reality, I feel nervous and insecure. I don’t want to say him nay, because I don’t want us to grow apart. And I’m sure he won’t be pleased with my flat refusal. My best friend is not afraid of such things, so I pretty sure she will agree, and it scares me even more!

Any advice? I have mixed feelings. Will it damage my relationship with my boyfriend? Will it damage my relationship with my best friend? How would it even work if we DID go through with it?