I moved into a new house a couple of months ago and every single day I have fantasies about our doorman. Every time when I come home from work, I flash him a shy smile. I always try to catch his eye. I know that I’m quite pretty, men adoreContinue Reading

I have a problem. I think I am an exhibitionist. No, I am sure I’m an exhibitionist! And my family and my beloved boyfriend even don’t know about it.  They have no single idea! The thing is that my family is very religious and conservative. My mum is very active in theContinue Reading

Hey… I feel like I need a piece of advice. My boyfriend and I have been dating for 6 months. For me it’s a quite sizable time, and I can say the same thing about him. Everything is going really well except for one little thing… I am ashamed evenContinue Reading

My girlfriend and I are dating since 6 or 7 years. She’s a brilliant brunette, very intelligent and beautiful. When I was younger I catch my dad cheating on my mother. Ever since I can’t really trust women. And that’s a big issue. Indeed, the more I live with myContinue Reading

Last summer I gave birth to a beautiful baby called Kaidance. She was very healthy and strong for a tiny size. But…well, I have to admit that being pregnant wasn’t as easy as you can see in the magazine. For me, no way I can wear 12cm heels or veryContinue Reading

So it all started when she had a feeling that she was pregnant. After confirming, she starts to feel like we weren’t ready for having a baby. Our relationship hasn’t solid bases she said because we were hanging out too much. I didn’t understand because we saw each other everyday,Continue Reading

I have a BA from Princeton and an MA from Columbia. I am young, sexy I think and successful in my studies and I am a novelist. Adult sex entertainment was not an obvious career choice. At the beginning of 2005, my first novel was out, people can finally buyContinue Reading

I am 22 and since I can remember I’ve always had crushes for older guys. Leo Di Caprio? Way too young for me. Alan Rickman though….hmmm! Like Ralph Fiennes and Clooney, they look like my type. But…they’are also thirty years old older than me. So I am wondering, why amContinue Reading