She’s pregnant with…my brother

So it all started when she had a feeling that she was pregnant.
After confirming, she starts to feel like we weren’t ready for having a baby. Our relationship hasn’t solid bases she said because we were hanging out too much.
I didn’t understand because we saw each other everyday, we were having fun…

All of a sudden, she started getting really weird as she was distant and it got worse days after days. She finally told me that she needed some time alone. So things were going “okay” up to that point, then one day I figured I would ask her if she were in the mood to do anything, and she snapped and told me she was irritated and disgusted by me, she didn’t want to kiss me or even see me. Was it hormonal? Due to the stress of being pregnant? I didn’t know.

So as time flies above, I really start to get worried and wondering so many things.
On day I decided to follow her as I knew where she was working and what her daily routine was.
What a mistake! She took the same road to go to work but just before, she parked. I thought she had seen me but no. She was waiting. For who? For what?
Then a second car came. A pick up with a guy in jimmies and a cap. I couldn’t see his face.

They were speaking loudly, she went out of her car and jumped in his arms, saying that she was pregnant and that both will be parents soon.
My heart broke. She was cheating on me.
I was worrying about her, this pregnancy and the reasons why she despises me and she was cheating ! On me!

I went home and came to pick her out at her office.
I said that I knew she was cheating and that maybe this child wasn’t even mine.
Very calm, she said I was right, that she was unfaithful but that I shouldn’t worry about the baby as me and the other guy have a lot in common.
On a defying tone, I asked why. And as a blade in my head, she said “Because it’s your brother”.

I felt doble betrayed. She was having sex with an other and the other was my brother.
Without saying a word, I went home and decided to never be with this girl again.
Ever since I am devastated.

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