Unrevealed secrets of a long-term relationship: 1 Leave the past in the past Close the door of your past relationships once and for all. That way you can be ready for the new beginning. Your partner deserves your attention for 100%. Also, never compare your partner with any of your exes.Continue Reading

There are so many reasons why your significant one can get offended. Deal with grievances on daily basis is not so easy. Women are likely to be the ones who are getting hurt with no reason as it seems at the beginning. In reality, women are more vulnerable and insecure.Continue Reading

  The feminist values don´t contradict the desire to start a family. The essential is to find the person who will share your views and life goals. Whether you are a feminist or you are for a traditional approach to the family, you should base your relationships on partnership andContinue Reading

How to avoid getting tired from the relationship Basically, the harmony is essential in the relationships, and perhaps it’s the most important thing there. Here we have several tips for you how to save the harmony between you and your partner for long years.Continue Reading

How to overcome all the possible difficulties in love and move forward with your partner? Love is unpredictable. While you are consulting with astrologists about the way you will meet your destiny it happens randomly, so get ready to find the love of your life in a shopping centre buyingContinue Reading

kissed baby

What was the longest kiss ever? How many calories you can burn while kissing? We don’t need to wait the 6 of July – the world’s International kissing day, to talk about kisses. It is the best way to show your partner how deep is your love. Some think thatContinue Reading

When you make a gift you are trying to impress a significant one, but some gifts amazed all the world and became legendary examples of love and devotion. Read the article to find out which gifts are out-of-the wall ones. Taj Mahal The world´s famous gift an ivory-white marble mausoleumContinue Reading