11 hacks of healthy relationships

Unrevealed secrets of a long-term relationship:

1 Leave the past in the past

Close the door of your past relationships once and for all. That way you can be ready for the new beginning. Your partner deserves your attention for 100%. Also, never compare your partner with any of your exes.

2 Happiness starts with you

Happiness doesn´t consist of any actions, achievements or material things. Neither gadgets, fashionable things nor money can make you happy till you choose to be happy as you are. Only you are responsible for your own happiness.


3 Communication and trust

You should learn how to talk with your partner about everything, starting from fears, sex or future plans. You should trust in your partner and be worthy of his or her credibility.

4 Detach yourself from We

You are not a somebody´s wife/husband/partner, you are a person with your own individuality. It´s important to do things just for yourself from time to time. However; mutual interests are great are essential for your match. You should find the balance between yourself and us.

5 Your relationship should always go first

Marriage is a very strong connection between two humans. Kids become grown-ups one day, friends come and go, time changes. Relationships centred on kids, in the end, won´t let them become mature and independent. Your partner and you are destined to spend all the life together, right?  Make sure that he or she is your priority.


6 Remember the main reason why are you together

You started a family, in order to work 60 hours a week and see each other 2 hours a day. We doubt that. Maybe because you wanted to buy a new car, house and pay fewer taxes. You are together to spend your life and not just share bills and problems. Love is the reason you are together. Never forget about this.

7 Don´t compare yourself with other couples

There are plenty of couples that look happier, healthier and more successful at least on the pictures on social media. No need to compare since the internet provides only a perfect picture and doesn´t reflect the reality.

8 Toxic thought ¨what if…¨

Thinking about what if you have spent the night or the whole life with another is unfair for your partner.  You never know till you try, right? There is no guarantee that your partner will be happier with someone different. It takes time to learn how to live with the person.


9 Love can grow

Love and affection are getting stronger with years. The longer you are together the more common memories you have. Those memories unite you and if you do that correctly your love will upgrade with years. Just remember – a perfect love is a commercial invention to make you buy more.

10 Through foul and fair

If you are together, it means you should support and respect each other.  Don´t let any financial, health or working problems separate you. You partner need you all the time. Your love can overcome any life circumstance, you should believe in that.

11 Say I love you and think the same about your partner

Sometimes you just need to say this at loud. Just three simple words can make him smile, that´s always a good idea to tell how much you love and care about your partner. Also, try to find some time to be romantic.