I am 22 and since I can remember I’ve always had crushes for older guys. Leo Di Caprio? Way too young for me. Alan Rickman though….hmmm! Like Ralph Fiennes and Clooney, they look like my type. But…they’are also thirty years old older than me. So I am wondering, why amContinue Reading

The crave for having a lower back tattoo was just as swiftly followed by branding called tattoos “tramp stamps”. While having a tattoo definitely doesn’t make you a tramp, it could actually be affecting men’s interpretations of your sexual intentions. A psychologist in France recently conducted a two-part experiment to seeContinue Reading

Do you remember that map from a few years ago that showed the ratio of men to women in cities across the United States? Luckily for younger women, Jonathan Soma came along and updated his figures and it’s still good news for single women. Let’s have a look to these updates to see whereContinue Reading

Trying to get men to commit is vicious circle in the female mind. Here are a few guys that for sure won’t commit, so may be you can spot them early enough to not suffer.Continue Reading

Going through a break up is never easy. But after the dust has been cleared, how do you get back to normal again? We have a few ways to make the healing process just a little less painful.Continue Reading

Coming out of a relationship can be unexpected and let’s say it, pretty tough. But it’s also the beginning of a new and exciting era, so read on for why being single can actually be rather great.. Reason No. 1? When you’re single, you have NO need to worry aboutContinue Reading

We won’t say it enough, you have to protect yourself ! Don’t let your other one thinks about birth-control and other stuffs alike. Your safest way to have safe sex is to use at least condom. Don’t let what other people say fool you with what they know or do.Continue Reading