Single men are everywhere

Do you remember that map from a few years ago that showed the ratio of men to women in cities across the United States? Luckily for younger women, Jonathan Soma came along and updated his figures and it’s still good news for single women. Let’s have a look to these updates to see where do you have the best chances to meet a single men.

A few facts and updates since the old version:

  • Nearly every single city in in the U.S. has more single men than single women in their 20s and early 30s. 
  • Since 2006, the excess of single women (all ages) in New York City has decreased from more than 200,000 to 150,000.
  • New Orleans used to have plenty of singles ladies (oh oh oh whohooo) but they’ve apparently all joined forces with the New York City gals and gotten the heck out of there.
  • There start to be more men than women around the age of late 30s, except in California and the Pacific Northwest, where it’s more like the 50s. I’ll put my move on hold and see how the next 10 years go for my love life.

So, this is all pretty positive for us, singles ladies. Of course, Soma said that he doesn’t think these statistically existing men carry over into the real world, where he regularly sees about a 70-30 split of women to men at events. Furthermore, the map doesn’t take into account things like education and income, and some things that could really affect your chances with these guys: non-marital relationship status and sexuality.

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