Let’s have erotic spanks

Are you the spanker and the spankee? What does excite you in spanking? If you fantasize about it, what does it looks like? Do you feel like a little girl being punished? Or a nasty student with her teacher? The ideas are endless !


Besides the pure physical pleasure, some people love erotic spanking for the taboo it kills.

You might love the combination of spanking with erotic touch while others like to focus on one kind of sensation at a time.

Try to spank your partner, let him spank you, in detail be a spanker and a spankee.
Don’t worry about what people will think about it, erotic spanking is all about exploring your naughtier side.

Ready to experience the thrills of erotic spanking? Have a look at this book, The Pleasure Mechanics Guide to Erotic Spanking, which will guides you through all the crucial steps of communication and negotiation you need to get the kind of spanking you crave and avoid getting hurt. This book also teaches you how to give an amazing spanking, from the first crucial blow to creating a powerful climax!

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