4 mistakes married couples make that lead to divorce

We all know that there are so many reasons marriages collapse… Some reasons are quite evident, for example, infidelity. And some reasons are not that obvious, but not less dangerous.  For example, these 4 mistakes are rather common, but not so many people pay attention to them…

1. Children always come first

It’s not difficult at all to love your children. What can’t be said about marriage. Marriage is hard work. You are making a big mistake spending all your time with children, even at nights. You should regularly spend time together, because children can not save your marriage, and sometimes they can make things between you even worse.

2. Parents always within eyeshot

Many couples do not “set boundaries” to their parents. It seems they got married not only to his/her partner, but also to his or her parents. These couples spend all the time with parents-in-law, even vacations.

3. Humiliation 

We all know that honesty is important in every relationship. But we also all know that truth can hurt. In any case you shouldn’t humiliate your partner! You shouldn’t decry your partner’s work, friends, hobbies, habits that you hate… You should respect each other no matter what.

4. Lack of trust

We should trust our partners and talk to them if something is wrong. And when you have any problems or misunderstandings, you shouldn’t keep them back. Talk is always a way out.