6 ways to maintain a long-distance relationship

Yes, sometimes it happens so when you and your partner live hundreds or even thousands of miles apart. For example, you or your partner travels a lot because of work or other reasons and you can’t be together all the time. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but sometimes it’s not true or at least very very difficult… especially to stay sexually satisfied.
These 6 easy tips will help you to maintain your long-distance relationship, so put them on notice!
  1. Communicate as much as possible! Thanks God, we have phones, cell phones, e-mail, Skype, WhatsApp, Facetime and so on… that’s why you should use all these gadgets and applications to the maximum, well and truly! Of course, this is not enough… but you have to talk to each other, otherwise you will grow apart.
  2. Do something together. And we don’t mean only phone sex or in other words “ear sex”. You can also simultaneously watch a movie and discuss everything on Skype. Maybe it sounds weird and even stupid, but who cares? You should by all means create something like “presence effect” in each other’s life.
  3. Accept understandingly possible misunderstandings. And they couldn’t be avoided…
  4. Don’t spy on your partner in the Internet. Your partner can put a  ¨like¨ to someone´s photo or “retweet” something you don’t like… But each quarrel and ruffle can make it worse! So you shouldn’t spy on him/her and of course you shouldn’t leave a handle to suspicions.
  5. Spring surprises and make gifts.  Yes, you need some “financial resources” and romantic ardor. But your efforts will pay off in full!
  6. Use every opportunity to meet each other. Well, it’s a matter-of-course.