More and more online dating sites are helping singles with STIs find love. You meet someone on a date, you hit it off right away, your connection is strong and the sexual tension between the two of you is palpable. But you have to share with the other your littleContinue Reading

Do you remember that map from a few years ago that showed the ratio of men to women in cities across the United States? Luckily for younger women, Jonathan Soma came along and updated his figures and it’s still good news for single women. Let’s have a look to these updates to see whereContinue Reading

Going through a break up is never easy. But after the dust has been cleared, how do you get back to normal again? We have a few ways to make the healing process just a little less painful.Continue Reading

Coming out of a relationship can be unexpected and let’s say it, pretty tough. But it’s also the beginning of a new and exciting era, so read on for why being single can actually be rather great.. Reason No. 1? When you’re single, you have NO need to worry aboutContinue Reading