What can be recognized as a cheating?

The concept of cheating has changed drastically over the recent years. Have you ever had a cam sex with a stranger being in the relationship? Have you looked up the profiles of your exes on social media?What do you think about it? Is it an unfaithfulness or just an innocent form of entertainment? There is no firm definition of infidelity. For lots of the people, infidelity is something that you are doing secretly from your partner, wary of being disclosed.cheating-man-upset_credit-Shutterstock

Scientist against unfaithfulness

Investigations showed that a big number of women consider all mentioned acts as cheating. With modern technologies, it´s so easy to fall to temptation based on anonymous passion and desire. It´s obvious that 100% of women consider any type of sex, even oral, as a cheating. What about kisses?  Just 95% of women and 81% of men believe that it´s also a form of cheating. It gets more complicated as it goes on. Is it unfaithful to watch porn on your own? What about flirting on a dating site? Men are still recognized as biggest betrayers, however, more and more women have a tendency to cheat on their partners. There are several ideas about the nature of cheating. Belgian psychotherapist Esther Perel has outstanding lectures about this topic on TED. In her book «The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity » she explodes myths about the reasons some people are unfaithful to their partners.

For example, a cliché phrase ¨ if your partner cheats on you it means that your relationship doesn´t work or that the traitor has psychological problems¨. Although sometimes the reason for cheating is the activation of the repressed wishes. The person was trying to quell the inner nature for a long period of time. Perel reckons that people don´t tend to find a new partner, but a new perception of themselves. Other traditional ideas about cheating are that men are bored in the relationship or in marriage and that there is no way out after treason.Husband-watching-wife-on-cell-phone-800x450


1600 men and 800 women participated in the latest research. They were asked about their perception of cheating. As the 62% of women consider dinner with someone as infidelity, but only 43% of men share this opinion.

cheating survey

83%  of women believe that active accounts on dating sites can be recognized as unfaithfulness, meanwhile, only 68%  of men agreed with this statement. 91% of women acknowledge sending nudes and sexting as a form of cheating, so do 75% of men.

It´s easier prevent than fix. Thus it´s important to treat to your partner as a lover, you should prepare before sex (set priorities, surprise your partner from time to time), catch the moment, be totally in it, enjoying the process. Open your bedroom for the experiments (no routine sex).  Make him feel wanted, attractive and desired.