Why Samantha won’t be a friend of yours?

Sex & The City turns 15 years this month ! Wasn’t this soap so cool and free with sex? According to a study, ladies aren’t likely to be friends with other ladies who are sexually very active. When 751 young men and women were asked to rate a description of a man or woman for different traits, like likability, morality, and emotional stability, guess what affected their opinions? The number of reported sex partners.

So, you think that Samantha would be your dearly best friend? Well, you’re wrong. You surely won’t be friend with such a manizer.
Studies show that you will get afraid of her men consumption. Why? Your inner unconscious feeling of reproduction is telling you that this woman is a danger for your own chances of reproduction.
The more she will have sex with other males around, the less you have a chance to find a partner.

Also, studies show that women who have a lot of sex look more beautiful and attractive to other people, of whom women.
So women without high sex life would be quite jealous. But, everybody knows that jealousy and friendship are not good friends.

Why do you think women think so negatively of other women who have multiple partners—even if she’s had multiple partners herself? Do you feel differently about a friend if you know how many people she’s slept with?

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