Why being single is cool?

Coming out of a relationship can be unexpected and let’s say it, pretty tough. But it’s also the beginning of a new and exciting era, so read on for why being single can actually be rather great..

Reason No. 1? When you’re single, you have NO need to worry about what your other one will think if ! So take this opportunity to do whatever you ever dreamt of.

In fact, being single is a great time to experiment with your life more generally. All those things you wanted to try like learn to dance samba, to wear heels without falling, wearing purple lipstick, well…go for it.

There’s suddenly all this time to focus on YOU. Take pleasure in the simple things and appreciate just how good it feels. Picture yourself saying “Dear Me, what would you like to now? Eating ice-cream? Okay.”. See? So easy.

You can fake tan until your heart is content without someone moaning about the “god-awful biscuity smell” in bed.

Now that you’re single, you can indulge your fantasies about hot famous people for hours, kiss your Ryan Gosling magazine pages

You know how you’re no longer answerable to anyone but you? What does it mean? Now you can totally blow half your pay check in all the boutiques as there’s no-one to ask you about how you’re actually meant to be saving for a new “i dont know what” when you get home.

Last but not least, you can party all night long with your mates without being off the limits, you have no limit, you’re free !

Enjoy all of this ! Being single is the new freedom !

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