I’m thirty and I’m lonely

I cook like a chef from a good restaurant, give amazing blow jobs, like variety in sex. Men adore me, but don’t want to marry me. 


They say that self-sufficient people are not afraid of loneliness. What is self-sufficiency, by the way? I think it’s the strength, inner strength which helps you live alone, be

single, happy and satisfied. You know inwardly that a balding co-worker who looks at you yearningly is no option. Let me be lonely until old age, but be all over a man only because he has a penis… means you have low self-esteem.

You can portray a strong personality but the desire to have a close friend and a lover behind you is big. Because everybody knows, loneliness sucks!

Like it or not, you start having thoughts your life is terrible. As a result, you begin to fill this aching like a toothache, emptiness with different activities: cooking classes, Italian language classes, yoga, swimming, jogging… all that can develop your already highly organised personality and kill evenings’  time.

I’m not dying and crying myself to sleep because I have no boyfriend or husband. That’s not the point! The point is, you understand that family is priceless. Having the closest friend who is able to love and accept all your flaws is a great gift. The man who will go to the pharmacy when you suffocate from the fever. To whom you can tell everything, even silly things that happened to you during the whole day. Who can give a piece of advice. And, if lucky enough, who can become the father of your child. If take all these moments into account, it’s rather possible to forget about your pride and self-esteem. Am I right?…