Guys who won’t commit

Trying to get men to commit is vicious circle in the female mind. Here are a few guys that for sure won’t commit, so may be you can spot them early enough to not suffer.

  • The Narcissist: He talks about himself too much, looks too perfect and works on building his superficial image… Well, he can’t commit to you as he’s committed to himself.

  • The Middle School Boy: Guys never really grow up. They act mature sometimes but it takes an clear amount of maturity to get to the point of commitment, so don’t hold your breath if you’re dating a guy afflicted with chronic immaturity.

  • The Poor Boy: Many men will not commit until they are comfortable financially.
  • The Scatter Brain: If he can’t even get his stuffs together so don’t think about a commitment right now.
  • The Bionic Worker: Workaholic men put in the long hours and have no time to think of a woman, let alone commit.
  • The Damaged Boy: He’s swearing off new relationships because of past pain and anguish caused by a rejection or intense breakup.
  • The Stud: Pro athletes and rock stars are on the top of the world. It’s great to land one of these guys, but he will  probably cheat on you as soon as you commit.
  • The Womanizer: These guys are such out for sex so commit will ruin his objective to have as more sex as they can.


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