Are you in a fake relationships? Test yourself

By a weird coincidence, even the purest love can be faked easily. It’s almost impossible to distinguish the real honest relationships from those made of just lust, disloyalty and simple comfort. The real relationships require lots of effort, authentic emotions, trust and honesty. The love involves tons of labour, not everybody is ready for that.  People can manipulate you creating the sensation that you are the only one for them. They may pretend that their love is real, but their own goal is to get into your pants. Other reason can be that they are too scared to stay lonely. Here we found 4 signs to understand if you are in a fake relationship.  10b857aeb8dc26cca02de7420bd41c50

  1. You don’t know family and friends of each other.

Once I felt in love I was going to climb high to the tallest building in the city and scream how much I love her. Well, that’s crazy and you don’t need to do the same, but everyone who takes you seriously will try to make you an important part of the life. If it’s for real you will meet the family and friends, the inner circle and they will be pleased to meet you. Your sweetheart will try to make the part of his world.  On the contrary, if the partner doesn’t see the future with you, he will never make you feel like you are the part of his life. If you know his family and friends it means he wants to show what does it like to be with him. With the condition that you still don’t know his family after a couple months of relationship indicates that he doesn’t care. He just spends some time with you and can end the relationship anytime, nothing personal is involved.


  1. Bad communication

Communication is the key to the healthy and stable relationship. If you can hardly remember the last time you have actually talked, that’s a sign. I refer to heart-to-heart talks, not to a small talk before sex. In a real relationship, the partners are talking about their inner feelings and sharing hidden thoughts and dreams. You should know what is going on in the life of your beloved one. And talk from time to time about everything. If you know about your partner’s life from social media, you have no partner, I am sorry to tell you that. 1695054

      3. Sex

Quoting Samantha from Sex and the City “Sex is the barometer for what’s going on in the relationship”. That’s obvious. If sex is the only purpose of your meetings, you are just friends with benefits. It doesn’t matter how good you are in the sheets, if outside the bedroom you are not so great. Everything you are talking about in bedroom is as fake as your relationship. Your partner just wants to make you feel good and take everything he can from you. For couples in love sex is not only the carnal satisfaction of the biological needs, it’s an emotional and physical connection.


  1. Something more than love

When you fall in love the first thing you should get rid of is your ego. If you feel that you are constantly right, if you want to prove something to anyone, you are not in a real relationship. You care about your own opinion more than about your partner’s feelings. You have got a huge ego. This ego doesn’t let you fall in love for real.