After your break-up

Going through a break up is never easy. But after the dust has been cleared, how do you get back to normal again? We have a few ways to make the healing process just a little less painful.

  • Remove all photos: It will sting at first, but keeping those photos around won’t only make it harder to get over him – it will also send the signal to others that you haven’t let go. 
  • Rearrange the house: Because nothing says more “I’m starting a new life!” than painting your bedroom in a new color. It’s just a simple, physical way of embracing change.
  • Get outside: Exercise under the sun is an clear booster. Even something as simple as a walk with your dog can be a good opportunity to stop thinking about this break-up.
  • Be busy: If you suddenly find yourself with an empty schedule, fill it with friend dates or even sign up for some classes (cooking, samba, rumba, singing)
  • Indulge a break-over: Yes, this does mean trying a new look or dying your hair. Think of it as a fun way to tell yourself – and the world – that you’re turning a new leaf.

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