5 ways to become more charismatic person

Learn how to become a more charismatic person in five simple steps. As the definition from the dictionary says that the charisma is a special power that some people have naturally that makes them able to influence other people and attract their attention and admiration. If the Mother Nature didn’t give you that gift, this article is just for you. Confident1

Listen carefully

Charismatic people are able to gain easily the sympathy of the interlocutor.  The best way to do that is listening without interrupting. How can you learn this skill? You should train your patience. You should be able to listen to any stammer around you and an old lady who speaks too quiet. Furthermore, you should control yourself and not talk about your life until you were asked about it. Those “and I”, “when I”, ‘’in my opinion’’ drives people crazy. Next time you are talking to someone try to ask questions about his life, look at the person and not into your iPhone. Besides, never laugh at his words, unless you are sure that it is a joke.

Believe in what you are saying

Charismatic people share their ideas and emotions with others. For that, you should be truly passionate about them.  How can you learn this skill?  Open your mouth only if you are absolutely sure about your words and you have learned that from your experience. Empty words are useless, and it may be hard to get them back.You can’t be the expert in everything. Showing off your knowledge isn’t the best way to gain prestige. Remember the Chinese proverb: don’t speak unless you can improve the silence.

Clearly express your emotions

Communication with you should be easy, simple and pleasant. How can you learn this skill?  Be good to people that are good to you. Be grateful.  If you face bad attitude don’t ask for explanations or reasons. Just stop talking to that person till he apologizes. Don’t act rude as a response to his actions. Hate begets hate, you are too busy for that, don’t forget about that.


We love to deal with positive and cheerful people. No one likes grumblers.  You are trying to get away from those who are constantly complaining about the weather, prices, work, and family. At the same time, you tend to seek a company of a smiley person. How can you learn this skill?  Have you heard anything about the mirror? Start your morning routine with smile training. Step by step, try to add smiles to your ordinary life. You will see the positive changes.  You can rely on your smile in every situation.

Keep your word

A charismatic person is a leader who people trust. It’s not just a cheerful and positive person, he is also responsible one. He is not a politician to give empty promises. He keeps his word and that’s priceless. How can you learn this skill?  First of all, learn how to say No. This quality can make a huge impact on your life.  The phrases like “I don’t know”, “I am not sure”, “maybe later”, “I can’t guarantee” won’t help you to become a confident person.