17 things you should stop apologizing for in 2018

Are you going to start a new life in 2018? So innovative! We all are going to be better and slimmer next year. It’s time to remember the things you have been postponing for ages and postpone them for one more year. Creating wish lists especially making New Year’s resolutions is a global trend. We have a list for you that can really make your life better next year. The list of things you should stop apologizing for in order to become happier.


It’s time to stop worrying about:

1. feeling less successful than your friends. Everyone has its own way to live. Success is a very subjective concept. You have to find your place under the sun, stop trying to be better than someone from the High school. It’s your life, not a competition.
2. being more successful than your friends. You deserve everything you have and no need to feel guilty about that. You worked hard to achieve this. Stop feeling sorry for having things that someone can’t have.
3. living the life you want. Do what you want, it doesn’t matter what others expect from you. They seem to know better what you need and how you should live, but it’s your life and you are responsible for everything happening to you.

4. the way your body looks. Stop feeling guilty for not fitting into the modern beauty standard. Take care of your health and celebrate your imperfections. They make you unique.
5. opposing someone’s opinion. Have your own opinion is challenging and sometimes it’s better to keep it inside. You can tell it out loud or keep it to yourself, just don’t even try to apologize for it.
6. craving for love. You want to love and to be loved and there is nothing selfish about this. You are just a human, not a robot. No need to apologize for wanting something more or not feeling anything at all.


7. refusing to do something. You are not obliged to help anyone if you don’t want or it’s not convenient for you. You don’t need to beg pardon for your priorities in life.
8. not keeping in touch with some people. You are changing and your views change with you. It’s OK to stop talking to people you have nothing in common anymore. At least it’s honest. It’s your choice. There is nothing weirder than a text message once a year with happy birthday.
9. changing your mind at the last moment. You are a human and your plans may change. You can’t predict the future.
10. trying something new. Some people are just too scared to try new things. Do what you want even if you lose you will get the precious experience. That’s priceless.
11. feeling the need for family and friends. It doesn’t make you weak, it proves you are alive.
12. leaving the toxic relationship. It doesn’t matter whether it’s friendship, love or job you should feel safe and satisfied. You live just once and can’t afford to stay with toxic people by your side.
13. feeling sad sometimes. No need to apologize for being exhausted and tired. It’s temporary.

14. showing your emotions in public. There is nothing worse than fake smiles and hypocritical speeches. Just be you.

15. requiring some time to be alone. No need to explain why.
16. being you. Funny, curious, gloomy, clumsy – no need to pretend it’s just you. Let yourself feel special with all your natural qualities. That’s adorable.
17. searching your place in life. You need guts in order to change your life. It takes time to realize what you really want.