A new epoch of lovemaking, or not?

Nowadays the technology penetrates into every aspect of our life, literally. We chose the verb «penetrate» to help you guess the field we are going to broaden your horizons in. Any ideas, by chance?
A while ago in previous articles, we talked about sex-toys and even condoms. Believe it or not, this invention can open a whole new epoch in lovemaking process. You are surprised, right? We already have all these vibrators, dildos, plugs, genitals jewelry and even virtual reality sex equipment. And perhaps you are wondering what can outshine all these, no doubts, useful gadgets? Read the article to find out.
Our compatriots from British Condoms claimed to create World’s first smart condoms. I.Con Smart Condom – it’s a special ring that has to be worn before the act and will evaluate your performance. It cost £59.99 each. Warnings, it’s not a condom itself so you have to wear the usual one still.7__72800.1511864748
Terminal characteristics of device resemble an erection ring. However, the propose of this innovation is different. This magic ring has a nano-chip and sensors that will calculate and register all the process of lovemaking. We don’t mean you can make a home video. The device won’t take any dick pictures either. It will record just metrics with mathematical accuracy. You don’t need to rely on your ex’s words anymore. 4__92428.1511864917
This simple tool will show you speed and a total number of thrusts, frequency and duration of sessions, your girth measurements, average skin temperature, and even different positions used. The last criterion is in BETA testing currently, though.
A small ring can identify a tiger in you. The I.Con Condom will answer all the possible questions you have about your performance. It will track your data after you finish the session and with a Bluetooth you can send your records to any of your devices. Once you have downloaded the application it will monitor your wins and you can even share your data with the world. The gadget has a micro USB charging port and it can last around 7 hours of active usage. Other advantages of this ring are that it can detect chlamydia and syphilis. So maybe it’s worth £60 and no need to check for STIs. Besides, it’s reusable and waterproof.i.con__53568.1466606235
I.Con Smart Condom device is available in one size but it can be adjusted individually with a special band.
Sceptics believe that it can be hacked and used to blackmail honest citizens. The creators assure that all the data will be saved anonymously and only user will decide whether post them or not. We predict sex competition trend all around the globe. You can become a guru of lovemaking. In any case, British Condoms has a lot of preorders and promises to launch the device very soon.
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