Love actually: 5 stages of any relationship

How to overcome all the possible difficulties in love and move forward with your partner?
Love is unpredictable. While you are consulting with astrologists about the way you will meet your destiny it happens randomly, so get ready to find the love of your life in a shopping centre buying cheese.  Meanwhile, apparently all the relationships start differently, psychologists have found out the universal formula that can help you to test your love. In this article we will open the truth about 5 stages only strong couples can go through. Find out at what stage are you?shutterstock_550487773

The beginning of love

This is the most exciting stage of any relationships, you are losing your head and ready to hug the entire world. You are in love with someone you have never thought you could be. You can´t control this feeling there is a magic chemistry between two of you. The tsunami of emotions overwhelms you every day. Due to the fact that you have chosen your partner subconsciously and your basic instinct is satisfied at least for the moment.  You believe that your partner is perfect and literally the best person in the world. Well, it doesn´t last long, it leads to a new stage or disappears at all.


When you pronounce ¨I love you¨ you make a conscious choice.  So the first stage is over and you understand that you want to continue this relationship.  You are trying to build your future together and in this period you may decide to get married or move in together. You feel safe, happy and comfortable with each other, you are building your relationship, making the connection between us stronger. If you have no doubts about your partner you are on the next stagemanage-work-relationship-810x540


The disappointment and isolation is a dramatic stage, many couples can´t overcome the problems that appear here. At some moment you stop feeling the same excitement as it was at the very beginning. You are getting unhappy and dissatisfied. You are looking for the reason to fall out with your partner, expecting that it would make you feel better. You start to notice little things that annoy you.  At this moment you are starting to evaluate your relationship and getting suspicious if you have really made a good choice. Do not panic. You can clear it all up!

Hard work

You can save your relationships if only you will change the way of thinking. Overcoming all these difficulties you will be rewarded with stronger and healthier relationship. We are all not perfect everyone has problems and certain complexes. You are falling in love with virtues of a person and not into bad qualities. A relationship is a hard work and it takes time to build something real and amazing between two individuals

Love that survives everything

Couple enjoying day out at the beach
Couple enjoying day out at the beach

It´s hard to deal with everyday hardships on your own. That´s why you are subconsciously looking for a partner every second of your life. We are social animals living in groups so don´t deny this even if you have decided to stay alone forever. Unfortunately, you can’t find the perfect match who can meet all your criteria. So you have to learn how to live together, adjusting your habits, changing some things. When you successfully overcome everything in our way to happiness, you will get the long life partner. Your soulmate and true love, enjoy the moment of mutual understanding. There is nothing to hide anymore. You can finally be yourself and both of you are ready to build your own empire.