What to do on the first date

The most popular mistakes every person has committed at least once on the first date.

Wow! It has happened. You have finally met the perfect partner. Although it’s too early to choose the venue for the wedding, you should have a successful first date. There is no direct relation between a great first date and how much in common you have with the partner. One kiss, one dance and one look can define whether you should spend the rest of your lives together or it’s just a casual meeting with someone who will never become a significant one for you. In this article, you can find the universal recipe for the first date. Pay attention to our tips and you will definitely have one more date with the same person.


To feel a bit nervous is absolutely normal on the first date. When you are too nervous you can’t stop talking or can become clumsy or even behave yourself rarely. There are no specific life hacks about becoming more confident. Try to be more natural and be yourself, remember you can’t pretend all your relationship.  sex-love-life-2016-01-FirstDate-main


Men usually choose something clean and women prefer something fussy. Two golden rules: find the outfit appropriate for the situation and don´t show too much skin.  Remember, only queen B or Rihanna can wear high heels for a yacht trip. A better option for a date is a one colour shirt and jeans for a man, and something very casual for a girl. The too fashionable outfit may look ridiculous if you don’t feel confident in it.


90% of your impression is not connected with your speech. Body language, the tone of your voice and perfume are little details from which your look is created. The only advice here is don’t use too much perfume. One drop is more than enough, the smell should be slight and zephyrous. You shouldn’t make an impression like you have been taken a bath full of perfume.1


Don’t talk a lot. Don’t talk about your problems. Never ever talk about your exes. Try to listen more and be positive.  Try to be more easy-going and smile more. Don’t talk about politics, religion and other difficult topics, if only both of you have the similar outlook on these topics. Ask about hobbies and interests. If you hear any funny story from the childhood it means everything is going great.


We are all lying to become better than we actually are. So don’t believe everything your date have told you. Be attentive and one more time, listen more. Al, so it’s good to pay attention to the questions your date ask you. That shows you what is really important to him or her.

Two Men Sitting at Cafe, Asian Mix Race Friends Guys Happy Smile Natural Light ** Note: Visible grain at 100%, best at smaller sizes
Two Men Sitting at Cafe, Asian Mix Race Friends Guys Happy Smile Natural Light
** Note: Visible grain at 100%, best at smaller sizes


It’s the 21st century, so if a man pays for everything and a woman doesn’t mind let it be like that. But we recommend to women be more independent and at least offer to pay for yourself, that way you show him that you are not interested in sponsor. Men, please note, that women love gentlemen who pay the bills and open doors.


Easy come, easy go. So don’t hurry up the intimate moment with your date. It’s not a strict rule though, just go with the flow and let the magic happen.