Relationship from the inside out when you have no common interests

It may happen when you meet a person, you start dating, you fall in love but suddenly you realize that you have absolutely nothing in common. The only thing that unites two of you is your feelings. No need to break up just because of this tiny detail. You can work on your relationship and sort it out easily, finding a new common interest.316484-13411-Tu2ujaL56483-lovmedia

They say there are no two entirely different people on the planet with nothing in common. I heard this several times from my friends. One of them had a long-term relationship with a man and was hoping to find something in common. She was extremely creative and patient trying to change the situation, but after four years of efforts she gave up. ´´We have the different path to follow¨ – she explained her decision. Many people may have the different path. Most of them listen to their families or friends´ advice. Your mum or your friend could comment your boyfriend´s new haircut and you can´t get rid of their influence would start thinking the same. On the contrary, it´s not a secret, good girls choose bad boys in spite of their family opinion. Sometimes you can have nothing in common with that bad boy you are crazy about. He can be a fan of Manchester United, and you can´t distinguish football from rugby.
It really doesn´t matter if you are both interested in this relationship. Here we have a handful of life hacks to bring peace and harmony into a contradictory relationship.
Board games
He loves playing Xbox FIFA meanwhile she is addicted to psychological bestsellers about mindfulness. It seems they have nothing in common, but a gamer and a geek can adore board games together. If you still think that board games include chess, Monopoly and Alias only you will be surprised. There are so many options you can check by yourself in the nearest shop or on Amazon. Take your sweetheart with you. It may take a long time to find a game that will be interesting for both of you. Some people prefer strategy games, other to construct beautiful castles and towers. Describe your wishes and for sure you will be both satisfied with the final choice. You both will be looking forward to spending evening together.
New experiencec67d3ebd3cf06d8ff77f22470b1b0a07

If a couple discovers new horizons they stay together. Firstly, it becomes a new impression then it turns into a new hobby. This hobby strengthens your match. That why it´s so important for a diverse and miscellaneous couple to try new things. Whether they are small things or big ones, it can be new exotic cuisine, dances, trips, extreme sports, whatever the only condition it should be absolutely new for both.
Pub quizzes
For those who never heard about that, it´s not boring and you don´t need to become a PhD in order to participate in one of them. Find a pub quiz near your location, invite several friends to your team and choose an evening and enjoy. These games are unique opportunity to discover your own potential and find out about unexpected virtues of your sweetheart.
Cultural background
We are living during globalization. It´s not necessary for you to be born in the same country with your partner, nowadays everywhere there are a McDonald’s and a KFC. You have seen same films more or less, eat the same dishes and listen to similar music. Hence all of us have the same cultural background, similar childhood struggles and same subjects at school. Having the same mother tongue doesn´t guarantee the ability to understand each other completely, but you will be happy with the progress you have made in your relationship.
In the end, love is the only thing that matters.