Everything’s fine

So, sometimes you feel a bit lonely, other days you feel hot and there’re times when you are craving for attention.
Hey ! That’s alright ! You can be who ever you want without shame.
To help you go through this gate of shame, let’s have a list of motivational funny quotes !  Remember, they all start by “It’s alright….”

  1. …to call your grandma ten times for the same recipe
  2. …to love being the centre of all the attentions
  3. …to take just a slice of this delicious chocolate cake. And maybe an other.
  4. …to get ridiculously excited about new stationery. The joy of a brand new pen on a blank notebook? Surreal.
  5. …if your pro and con list is a way too much a list of con, but you go for it anyway.
  6. …to pronounce French words with an accent – then realize 
you sound exactly like this weird uncle of yours on holiday.
  7. …to buy a onesie to wear exclusively in your living room. Well, is it ok to go to the hairdresser too? The office is a step too far, right?
  8. …to bash on your sex life to all of your girls, 
but convince yourself that he won’t ever do the same with his.
  9. …to browse the pets section even though you don’t have any pep. It’s research. And those teeny clothes are sooo cute.
  10. …to fall in love with a new pair of shoes even if you’re skint.

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